Rossall Beach Residents and Community Group celebrate grant success

Rossall Beach Residents and Community GroupRossall Beach Residents and Community Group
Rossall Beach Residents and Community Group
Rossall Beach Residents and Community Group at Cleveleys is celebrating securing two grants totalling £10,000.

A grant of £6,000 was awarded by United Utilities and £4,000 from Lancashire Environmental Fund.

The money will be used to create five new information boards for the seafront, joining the five existing ones, leading people in a trail along Rossall Beach, from the end of the new sea defences to the Five Bar Gate, near Rossall School.

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The new boards explain various aspects of the beach environment. One is about bathing waters and the work which is being done to make the sea cleaner, and another is about the damage which plastic does in a marine environment.

Another one explains why the pebbles are an important part of the sea defences, while the fourth board shows just some of the creatures which live there.

Jane Littlewood, chairman of the group, said: “Our first set of boards is about the shells, plants and birds to be found on the beach.

“Another explains the offshore windfarm and how it was cabled to shore through our beach. The first ones were installed in 2012 and it’s amazing how many people still stop every day to read their information.

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“It’s very satisfying to share the knowledge that we’ve gained.”

Members of the group have been involved in deciding what should be included and researching the new information.

The boards are currently in production and the graphic panels are being made in America.

They are expected to be installed this spring.