Letters - November 7, 2019

MMR jabMMR jab
MMR jab
Stop demonising parents over vaccine

The demonising of parents who don’t give their children the MMR jab should end.

If they have doubts about this, the answer is for them to be met half-way.

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When my children were babies, the injections were given separately: the first one at six months, the second at nine months and the last one at 12 months.

If this was rolled out, there may be more uptake.

Threatening not to allow children into school etc will not carry any weight, and it’s no good blaming the internet for false claims of the side-effects that some may suffer.

Parents may know someone who feels their child was affected by these injections and, once this seed has been planted, no amount of threats will change their mind.

Judy Goodwin

Address supplied


Fracking ban is just a pre-election stunt

In the ‘Comment by Kwasi Kwarteng’ section of Saturdays edition of the Blackpool Gazette (November 2) I and my anti-fracking colleagues were not in the least surprised to find pro-fracking propaganda from him and his colleague Andrea Leadsom, despite the recently exhibited proof that the process is dangerous and impossible to regulate to safety! So dangerous in fact that the Prime Minister has declared that the fracking industry be banned!

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I have contacted Kwasi Kwarteng, Boris Johnson, Mark Menzies and Andrea Leadsom by email on numerous occasions to express my fears for the future of the Fylde without a single worthwhile response.

I challenge the present Tory Cabinet to force Cuadrilla to depart from the Fylde and take their fracking equipment with them, settling their debts with the local residents whose homes they have damaged, including mine.

I wouldn’t mind a visit from my elected MP either to show him personally what his failure to stand up for his Community against the insurgents from the fracking industry has allowed to happen to my family home and probably many others.

Apparently several hundred complaints of property damage were reported to the BGS along with thousands of reports of felt siesmic activity.

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Until then I will believe that this announcement is just another attempted Tory vote grabbing pre-election stunt.

Peter K Roberts



We’ll regret

fracking ban

I was amazed to read that this Tory Government has stopped all fracking in the UK.

We have huge reserves of gas and coal in this country but we prefer to import our energy requirements from corrupt nations whose records on human rights have more in common with those of communist or fascist dictatorships than with a civilised nation such as the UK.

Who amongst us, apart from a few unemployed eco-warriors, would not enjoy cheap oil, gas and coal to meet our needs without importing them from foreign states?

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When the world inevitably explodes into conflict, when oil tankers on the high seas are targeted by terrorists, when those under-sea gas pipelines are smashed by hostile submarines and when we have insufficient energy to run our homes and our industries, the truth will finally become apparent - that we were complete idiots not to exploit our own huge energy reserves here in the UK rather than relying on foreign imports.

Dick Lindley

Address supplied


Priorities in our

A&E departments

Interesting to read that those people attending A&E who have to wait the longest are those who eventually go home whereas serious conditions such as stroke, heart attacks and sepsis are dealt with in a timely fashion.

Surely this shows that most of those ending up going home shouldn’t have been at A&E in the first place?

Hilary Andrews

address supplied