Old Boys on hand to salute Derek's 90th

Derek Scrivener and wife Jean celebrate his 90th birthday with Fleetwood Old Boys Band.Derek Scrivener and wife Jean celebrate his 90th birthday with Fleetwood Old Boys Band.
Derek Scrivener and wife Jean celebrate his 90th birthday with Fleetwood Old Boys Band.
A well known Fleetwood man has celebrated his 90th birthday with the help of the town's much-loved marching band.

Derek Scrivener, of Beach Road, was the commanding officer of Fleetwood Sea Cadets unit back in the 1960s, when the unit’s band won a string of awards.

A few years later, in the mid 1980s, former members of the unit got back together to form the Fleetwood Sea Cadet Old Boys band, performing at special events in the town.

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Today, the Old Boys Band is still going strong, with a few original members and many new ones too.

And the band, which plays a key role in events such as Fleetwood Carnival Day and the town’s Remembrance Day, was happy to salute Derek’s birthday milestone.

Members visited his home and performed a selection of marching tunes for Derek and wife Jean.

Dave Southwell, chairman of the Old Boys Band, said: “It was a special surprise and he was really pleased.

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“Nearly of our members turned up - we had buglers, drummers and bell lyres performing.

“It was our pleasure to perform for him, it was thanks to him that the Old Boys was formed in the first place.

“He is still very respected in Fleetwood.”

Derek’s son Dave, who helped organise the surprise with band members, said: “What they did for Dad was fantastic.

“He knew there was some kind of surprise planned, but he didn’t know what it was.

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“When they played for him, he was chuffed to mintballs, he really was.”

Derek said: “I knew something was happening and even asked my grandson, but he said he wasn’t supposed to tell me.

“It was a wonderful surprise, unbelievable.”

Derek has written a memoir, called Scriv’s Navy, and through sales of the book he has raise £1,000 towards Fleetwood Cancer Research and £350 donation the Old Boys Band.

The Old Boys Band currently has 35 members, more than at any stage in its history.

New members are always welcome.

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Rehearsals are held at Fleetwood Conservative Club, Lowther Road, every Wednesday from 8pm.

Dave Southwell added: “The Old Boys Band is part of Fleetwood’s heritage and it’s great that we’re still going strong.”

The next rehearsal is on January 10.

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