Blackpool Victoria Hospital 'truly sorry' for death of baby Finnley Morris, who died after doctors neglected him

Blackpool Victoria HospitalBlackpool Victoria Hospital
Blackpool Victoria Hospital
Blackpool Victoria Hospital bosses have apologised for the 'devastating' death of newborn Finnley Morris, who died of a serious brain injury after being starved of oxygen for more than 42 minutes after being born.

Finnley was born in a poor condition at the Vic on October 1 2020, and needed urgent care as he was found to be 'floppy, with no signs of breathing'.

Doctors carried out ventilation breaths and chest compressions, however, they did not attempt to intubate the newborn until 42 minutes after he was born, when his condition had already become unsurvivable.

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The first intubation was carried out by the registrar, Dr Surya Dulipala, as the consultant, Dr Sunitha Peiris, had forgotten her reading glasses, which she needed to carry out the procedure.

The attempt failed, and Finnley was successfully intubated by Dr Peiris several minutes later.

Following a four-day inquest at Blackpool town hall last week, coroner Alan Wilson ruled that Finnley would not have died had he not been neglected by doctors, who failed to effectively give him oxygen until it was too late.

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The hospital has now apologised to Finnley's parents, Emma and Adam Morris, for the mistakes made in their baby's care.

Dr Jim Gardner, medical director at Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said: “I want to apologise to the family on behalf of everyone at the Trust. We accept that this was a devastating and life-changing event and hearing the impact statement read in court by the baby’s father, it is difficult to imagine the pain they have experienced in losing their child.

“Whilst we fully accept and lament the mistakes that were made in caring for baby Finnley, we also acknowledge fully that it will not change the outcome and it is something the family will live with for the rest of their lives. For that I am truly sorry.

“Of course we accept and support the findings of the coroner. I want to provide reassurance that over the last 12 months we have investigated it comprehensively and the Trust has put in place a robust plan to ensure that lessons are recognised and understood, improvements identified and new ways of working implemented throughout the organisation. It won’t bring Finnley back to his loving family but it will prevent future deaths occurring in this way.”

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