Letters - October 15, 2019

Stanley Park golf courseStanley Park golf course
Stanley Park golf course
Wishes of people have been ignored

I find it disgusting that our Labour-controlled council chose to ignore the petition, signed by more than 8,000 local people, calling for Blackpool Stanley Park golf course to be saved from development. This is a truly appalling example of Labour councillors ignoring the wishes of the people.

This is just one example of how the character of Blackpool is being destroyed by a council which claims it knows what’s best for the town but seems to have tunnel vision when it comes to listening to alternative proposals for any of its grandiose and divisive schemes. The Labour councillors acted like sheep.

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With most MPs at Westminster ignoring the wishes of the majority of their constituents when it comes to Brexit (including our own South Shore MP) the only conclusion I can come to is that democracy is dying and Blackpool Council is just one part of the general decay.

M Blundell

King Street



Letting down our

brave Kurd allies

Donald Trump is withdrawing US forces from Afghanistan and the Middle East. He is neglecting the Kurds, an ally of the USA. The Kurds are a brave force against IS. Once again isolationism is a US policy.

Mr PL Taylor

via email


Leave room for trees and meadows

Re: GPs are to ‘prescribe nature’ for mental health issues. People need more access to nature, starting by housing estates not filling every inch of space with houses but leaving room for trees and wild meadows.

Sarah Tench

via email


Many thanks for coffee mornings

This year our World’s Biggest Coffee morning fundraiser entered its 29th year.

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In community centres, schools and workplaces, thousands of coffee mornings were held across the North West to raise money and help us support people affected by cancer.

I would like to offer a huge and heartfelt thanks to every single one of your readers who held or attended a coffee morning – your energy and generosity never ceases to amaze us.

Whether it’s specialist cancer nurses, GPs, therapists or advisers, we can only offer the support that people with cancer need thanks to the tireless fundraising efforts of our supporters.

Last year Macmillan helped around 31,840 people with cancer in the North West. The number of people who need our help is growing, and we want to offer support to everyone who needs it.

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Please rest assured that every cake, every brew, every penny raised will now go on to help us to achieve this ambition.

And please remember, if you need information, support or a chat with Macmillan you can call us free on 0808 808 0000.

If you’d like to support Macmillan and do something amazing today, you can also visit macmillan.org.uk/getinvolved.

Thank you all so very much.

Tanya Humphreys

Interim Head of Services for Macmillan Cancer Support in the North West


Pity Dyson forced out of car market

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It’s a shame that Dyson is pulling out of electric car development as there was a lot of hype around it, particularly as a British product.

Dyson are known for approaching design challenges differently so this had the potential to shake up the industry and offer some true innovation beyond what traditional manufacturers who weren’t starting with a clean sheet of paper could imagine.

This shows just how tough it is to build good cars at an affordable price, the market for electric is hotting up and clearly Dyson didn’t think it was fit for the fight.”

Charles Butler

via email