A Word In Your Ear - March 1, 2018

Roy EdmondsRoy Edmonds
Roy Edmonds
As I began writing this column earlier in the week there was a late fall of snow, giving everywhere a winter charm.

It came as signs of spring were also appearing, with snowdrops and crocuses, bringing two seasons in one!

Life’s full of surprises, most of them nice ones as long as we don’t take it, or ourselves, too seriously.

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Last Sunday we celebrated Mother’s Day. Yes, we were early but all felt like it. Besides, the restaurant was less crowded than on the real date and, well, Blackpool was built on celebration and fun – so let’s have some!

We can get too set in our ways and kid ourselves we know everything. Well, I was in for a lesson, from an elder.

“You know your books,” said mother-in-law Wynne, “well, they’re very good but I think the titles should more reflect their contents, also the places where they’re set.”

I was a bit taken aback but later saw her point. Consequently, my latest novel, still under wraps, has a new title.

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It’s about a man awaiting his final ferry home, from North Wales to Ireland, and how his mysterious demise uncovers a scandal and atrocities at the highest levels. The working title, rather poetic I thought, was ‘The Wings To Fly’.

Now it’s called ‘The Conwy Ferry Man’. Conwy being the Welsh for that beautiful medieval town Conway (pictured). See, we’ve got you interested already!

So it was good that we had celebrated early, as I’d learned a timely lesson - as well as having a good time.

Our chosen restaurant, The White Tower at the Pleasure Beach, also stood the test of time. It goes to show, don’t ever underestimate this old town of fun, or its long-term residents.

They’re still going strong and, with the civic motto of ‘Progress’, keeping up with the times – just like Wynne herself.

• For Roy’s books visit www.royedmonds-blackpool.com.