Half marathon for Becky Simpson

Jack Jones, Miriam McCarney, David Simpson, David Todd, Colette Whiteside and Sean Whiteside who ran the Chester half marathon in aid of Becky Simpson who is paralysed from the waist downJack Jones, Miriam McCarney, David Simpson, David Todd, Colette Whiteside and Sean Whiteside who ran the Chester half marathon in aid of Becky Simpson who is paralysed from the waist down
Jack Jones, Miriam McCarney, David Simpson, David Todd, Colette Whiteside and Sean Whiteside who ran the Chester half marathon in aid of Becky Simpson who is paralysed from the waist down
A team of fund-raisers took on a marathon challenge to support a young girl who has suddenly become partially paralysed.

David Simpson, who is a member of Wrea Green Cricket Club, completed the Chester Half Marathon to help fund specialist equipment for his 11-year-old daughter Becky, who was left paralysed from the waist down following a spinal bleed last July.He was also joined by Becky’s uncle, David Todd, as well as club members Jack Jones, Miriam McCarney, Colette Whiteside and Sean Whiteside.Co-organiser Colette, 30, of Wrea Green, said: “Becky has spent months in hospital undergoing life-saving surgery and physio and will continue to require this treatment going forward. There is no clear outcome for the future and both Becky and her family are adapting to a new way of life, one they certainly didn’t ask for.“I don’t know Becky, but I have met her father, David, who lives in Leyland, Lancashire. He’s a great guy who usually has a big smile plastered on his face. “But just because I haven’t met Becky, doesn’t mean I can’t help her family in some way.“Every week I’ve donned the running gear and headed out two or three times, pushing myself way out of my comfort zone for the simple fact that, running just over 13 miles in roughly two hours pushing through pain barriers may make a difference to someone else’s life.“Becky’s story has had a real impact on me and has made me realise how we take things for granted. “It’s also made me realise that we as humans really don’t like pushing ourselves out of comfort zones. If we don’t push ourselves in everyday life to do something we’re not comfortable with, then we’ll stay exactly where we are. We won’t grow, develop or discover new things about ourselves and we won’t have the opportunity to make a difference to a little girls’ life that changed in the blink of an eye.“The marathon was gruelling but with the help of my amazing, and at times tough husband, Sean, I completed it.“We’ve raised £2,220 so far but the target was £3,000 so we still have a bit to go.”To make a donation visit http://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/Becky-simpson

For a previous fund-raiser for Becky click here /comedy-night-in-aid-of-schoolgirl-1-8355386

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