Survey reveals car parking wars across Blackpool

Pavement parking may become a thing of the pastPavement parking may become a thing of the past
Pavement parking may become a thing of the past
Parking wars have apparently erupted in Blackpool - with 65 per cent of motorists across the resort saying they get angry over neighbours’ inconsiderate parking.

One in four residents have also admitted to blazing rows, while three quarters (77 per cent) of Brits across Blackpool claim they would remonstrate with their neighbours over their parking fails.

The research by used car online marketplace heycar also revealed nearly three quarters of car owners in Lancashire (72 per cent) get stressed over parking.

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The company surveyed 2,000 car owners about their parking habits.

Additional research by heycar also revealed that 41 per cent of families in Blackpool have two or more cars to park - and it appears adding more vehicles to a household is fuelling the fury.

A spokesman for heycar said: “It’s a familiar problem - arriving home in Blackpool after a long day at work only to find your neighbour has pipped you to the post, pulling in yards from your front door while you’re forced to drive around the block.

“And it’s hardly a surprise that tensions are rising as 84 per cent of those polled believe there are more cars on their street than five years ago.

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“With young adults living with their parents for longer there are more cars than ever are under one roof, all fighting for a parking space close to their front door.”

ONS statistics reveal 3.4 million 20 to 34-year-olds are still living with their parents in the UK - and heycar research revealed one in four state a multi-generational home as the reason behind having more than one vehicle per household.

MPs have called for a ban on parking on pavements, highlighting the issues it causes for residents trying to manoeuvre a wheelchair or pram around cars.

The Commons Transport Committee hit out at the Government for not taking action however according to leading motorists’ organisation IAM Roadsmart a blanket ban on parking on pavements could leave thousands of drivers with nowhere to park their cars.

There is already a general bar on the practice in London, with pressure for this to be extended across the rest of England.