Numbers can cause a host of problems for schoolchildren

Dyscalculia - number blindness-  is an under-estimated problemDyscalculia - number blindness-  is an under-estimated problem
Dyscalculia - number blindness- is an under-estimated problem
Ask anyone if they've heard of dyslexia and the vast majority of people, if not all, will say they have.

Ask if they’ve heard of dyscalculia and most will say they haven’t.

Former primary school headteacher Kath Gleave, knows all about this- as she suffers herself.

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Kath says: “When I trained, we had a fair amount of advice on how to identify and help children with dyslexia. Dyscalculia was never mentioned.

During my career, I saw many children displaying similar problems with learning maths that I could personally relate to.

I am dsycalculic, although never officially diagnosed. Compared to dyslexia, there has been very little research into this learning disability, so not as much is known about it.”

The Dyslexia Association has a section on their website which has a list of signs that can be indicators of dyscalculia.

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