Letters - May 2, 2017

Preston New Road fracking sitePreston New Road fracking site
Preston New Road fracking site
FRACKINGPrice of creating '¨a fracking centralThe declared intent of Cuadrilla, the overseas body based in Preston, Lancashire is to create '˜Fracking Central' in the Farming and Tourism peninsula of the Fylde'.

These are some of the numbers involved.

* Cuadrilla intend to build over 80 ‘super sized’ drilling pads each with 40 or more wells riddling the ground beneath our country and homes with over 7,000 miles of tunnels containing toxic laden fluids and fumes.

* This fracking process will require the sacrifice of more than 10,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools full of pure domestic water either lost for ever or polluted beyond re-use.

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* Over 50,000 Wembley Stadiums full of toxic gases will be released into our local fresh air, damaging our health and grazing lands beyond repair for generations to come.

* In excess of 1m HGV movements through our road network and beyond, not sure where by the way, will occur to transport toxic sludge away for decontamination, if that is possible at all.

* The well pads by the way are allowed up to 500 metres from your residential housing, the fracking tunnels obviously will extend under housing estates and commercial properties.

Check your property insurance terms by the way, the numerous seismic events which inevitably occur are unlikely to be covered and the Government have furtively absolved themselves of liability.’

How does this make any sense and stands to profit?

Peter Roberts

Clifton Avenue



Why does council call it ‘St Anne’s’?

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I have just read the latest edition of The St Anne’s-on Sea Town Council news letter and I am surprised that an apostrophe is used in the spelling of ‘St Anne’s’ .

I have always understood that an apostrophe was used to indicate either possession or the omission of letters or numbers. What does St Annes possess or what letter or number has been omitted from St Annes to use an apostrophe.?

Can anybody enlighten whether the use of an apostrophe in this case is correctly used in St Annes?

If it is not correctly used, will Fylde Council and the St Annes- on- the- Sea town council take steps to delete all the erroneous apostrophes from signs around the town and their letter headings

Malcolm Richman

The Boulevard

St Annes


Stick all elderly and the infirm in prison

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There is a social care crisis in Britain. I’ve been thinking, and I have a solution.

Put all the elderly and infirm in prison. Please do not be outraged by this statement, look at the benefits first:

* Three free main meals a day.

* Warm surroundings – no “gas or leccy” to worry about.

* Clean bed.

* Free use of gym, canteen, library etc.

* Exclusive use of in-house doctor’s surgery – no waiting a month to see a doctor.

* Priority treatment at local hospitals, taken there and back by private transport.

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And all this without even selling your home to fund it. Sounds like a “no-brainer” to me.

On a more sobering note, in Britain today there are 1.2 million elderly and infirm people who need feeding and washing and who don’t ever get this basic support.

I want to live in a caring society where those in need are given their basic human rights regardless of cost or time.

Am I asking for too much?

Name & address supplied

Via email


Corbyn’s Orgreave call is just cynical

Jeremy Corbyn’s call for an enquiry into the Battle of Orgreave during the 1984 miners’ strike is a cynical vote grabber.

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He will say anything to voters, promise them everything and deliver nothing. The comment stated “campaigners have been fighting for a fresh look into what happens on the day 6,000 police officers tried to stop miners from blocking deliveries at the coking plant” when in fact it was 6,000 police officers that were trying to stop 10,000 miners from trying to stop deliveries to the plant.

This was mob rule and Scargill and company should be prosecuted.

If the police in any way broke the law in any cover-ups or how they conducted themselves they too should face prosecution.

If they do have an enquiry both sides should bear the consequences.

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I am not sure how else the police could have dealt with 10,000 angry miners that day.


Via email


Roads are terrible... but don’t blame us!

J Kevin Hill from Staining (Gazette letters, 24 April) is quite right in his comments about the state of the roads in Poulton.

However it is not only Victoria Road, Moorland Road is a disgrace and I know this because I live two minutes away and not in Fylde Borough.

He is wrong though when he blames Wyre Council as Lancashire County Council is responsible for roads and indeed pavements.

So Mr Hill put the blame where it should be.

Coun Peter Gibson

Breck Ward

Wyre Council

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