MP's support for councillor

Paul Blomfield MP, Fleetwood MP Cat Smith and  Jenny Saunders OBEPaul Blomfield MP, Fleetwood MP Cat Smith and  Jenny Saunders OBE
Paul Blomfield MP, Fleetwood MP Cat Smith and Jenny Saunders OBE
Fleetwood MP Cat Smith has announced her support for local councillor Lorraine Beavers in her bid to be re-elected this May.

Visiting the town on Saturday, she said: “It’s been a pleasure to speak with Fleetwood residents out and about with local Labour councillor Lorraine Beavers who is championing the town at County Hall.

“I’m campaigning with Lorraine and hope to see her re-elected this May.

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“Since 2010 we have seen unfair Tory cuts dished out from Westminster to local councils up and down the country, local government direct funding will have been cut by 79% by 2020.

“The Government claim to be building a Northern Powerhouse yet have continually let the north down, with severe cuts to services, increased deprivation and much lower levels of investment.”