Blackpool: From the courts 02-01-17

Blackpool Magistrates Court.Blackpool Magistrates Court.
Blackpool Magistrates Court.
Here is a round-up of some of the cases at Blackpool Magistrates Court.

John Lees, 66, drink-driving

A drunken pensioner smashed into a parked car overturning his own vehicle as he went to buy a lottery ticket one afternoon.

John Lees had drunk half-a-bottle of brandy when he was involved in the accident at Fleetwood.

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Lees, 66, a former civil servant and taxi driver, of Queens Terrace, Fleetwood, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol.

He was banned from the road for 17 months and fined £200 with £85 costs plus £35 victims’ surcharge by magistrates.

Presiding magistrate, Christine Greaves, told him: “We feel you were reckless for driving at that time and were a danger to the public. You have admitted to an alcohol dependancy.”

Prosecutor, Malcolm Isherwood, said police were called to an accident in the port’s Victoria Street, on October 14 in the late afternoon, where Lees had collided with a parked vehicle and his Ford Ka had landed on its roof in the road.

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A blood test showed 138 micrograms of alcohol in his body – 80 is the limit.

Stephen Duffy, defending, said his client, who had no previous convictions, had driven hundreds of thousands of miles without incident.

Lees had realised he had a problem with alcohol and had contacted drink specialists. He had said his view at present was that he did not want to drive again.

Scott Fleming, 41, breach of the peace

A drunken man stamped so hard on his floor that the ceiling in the flat below started to crack.

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Scott Fleming, 41, was angry after a row withe his neighbours in the flats on Brand Street, Cleveleys.

Crane driver Fleming admitted breaching the peace and was bound over for a year in the sum of £100.

Pam Smith, prosecuting, said that police were called to the flats and found Fleming drunk and unsteady.

“The neighbours said he had been stamping on his floor and their ceiling was cracked and plaster was coming away,” she said

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Gerry Coyle,defending, said that Fleming was off work because he had both hips replaced.

The lawyer said:”I must say that taking on a shedload of alcohol that day cannot of helped with the healing process.

“He was angry with the women living below him and I believed they had left syringe needles int he common hallway.”

“He was angry with police because he believed they had taken the side of what he said were a couple of smack heads.”

Benjamin Whyte, 36, assault

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A 36-year-old accused of two assaults on his partner has been bailed.

Benjamin Whyte, of Kipling Drive, Blackpool, denied both assaults when he appeared before magistrates.

He also faces an allegation that he destroyed his partner’s bank and other cards.

Whyte was bailed pending his trial which will take place on February 15.

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He must live at an address on Deepdale Road, Blackpool and not enter Kipling Drive as terms of his bail.

Joshua Jones, 20, criminal damage

A child’s first birthday party ended in shambles when the youngster’s father kicked and punched at two doors.

The incident happened at the home his former partner in Cannock Avenue,Blackpool, as preparations were being made for guests.

The child’s father Joshua Jones, currently of no fixed address, admitted criminal damage to the doors valued at £150.

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Magistrates were told conflicting stories about Jones’s attendance at the event.

The barman claimed he had received messages asking him to be there and his former partner told police she had not wanted him on the premises.

Pam Smith ,prosecuting, said: “Whatever that situation was she wanted him to leave and she had taken the child into another room.

“He started to shout and then punched one door and kicked at the other.”

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Patrick Nelligan,defending,said: “At one stage he was in the kitchen helping with the party food then all of a sudden he was told to leave. It was not easy for a father on his child’s first birthday.”

Jones was fined £ 120 and ordered to pay £150 compensation,£85 court costs and £30 victims’ surcharge.

He was also made the subject of a two year restraining order forbidding him from entering Cannock Avenue or contacting his ex partner except through solicitors.

Jason Carter, 23, sex offences

A Blackpool man alleged to have committed systematic sex offences against young boys has appeared at court.

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Jason Carter of Dinmore Avenue, Grange Park, faces eight charges involving boys aged under 13 .

Magistrates remanded the 23 year old in custody after being told he was to appear at Preston Crown Court on January 13 to face allegations involving other children.

Magistrates sent the latest charges to be heard on the same day at the higher court.

Stephen Wood, 43, burglary

A man broke into a hotel room where holidaymakers were staying and stole a purse and it’s contents.

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Stephen Wood, 43, of The Delamere Hotel, High Street, Blackpool, pleaded guilty to burgling the resort’s Park House Hotel on August 31 this year.

Wood was bailed to appear at Preston Crown Court for sentence on February 1 by Blackpool magistrates.

He must not enter any hotel in Blackpool except the one he lives at as a condition of his bail, magistrates ordered.

Raymond Thompson, 58, theft

A grandfather stole a vacuum cleaner after arguing with his girlfriend.

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Raymond Thompson, unemployed, 58, of Keswick Road, Blackpool, pleaded guilty to theft.

He was fined £80 with £85 costs and ordered to pay £30 victims’ surcharge by magistrates.

Prosecutor, Malcolm Isherwood, said Thompson was seen on CCTV at the resort’s B and M Bargains store stealing a £69 vacuum cleaner on December 12.

When interviewed he told police he had earlier had a row with his girlfriend and broken the vacuum. He only had £5 on him when he went to B and M Bargains to get another.

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Stephen Duffy, defending, said Thompson’s benefits had been stopped.

Carl Frost, 30, assault

A 30-year-old man has been accused of assaulting his own mother and an ex partner on Christmas Day.

Carl Frost of Queens Promenade, Blackpool was remanded in custody when he appeared before Blackpool Magistrates. He will next appear in court on January 6.

He is alleged to have pushed his mother to the floor.