Blackpool MP's petition to end ivory trade

Blackpool North and Cleveleys MP Paul Maynard presents his petition to stop the ivory trade to Environment Secretary Michael GoveBlackpool North and Cleveleys MP Paul Maynard presents his petition to stop the ivory trade to Environment Secretary Michael Gove
Blackpool North and Cleveleys MP Paul Maynard presents his petition to stop the ivory trade to Environment Secretary Michael Gove
Blackpool North and Cleveleys MP Paul Maynard said he was delighted to see the Government standing up for animal rights.

Secretary of State for the Environment, Michael Gove, has published a new draft bill which will increase the maximum sentence for animal cruelty offences to five years and enshrine animal sentience in UK law.

The unveiling of the bill coincides with the culmination of Mr Maynard’s own campaign in support of a total ban on ivory sales.

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Yesterday he presented petitions signed by his constituents to the Environment Secretary.

He said: “The volume of letters, messages, phone calls and emails I receive shows animal welfare is very important to the people I represent.

“I share with them a belief that Britain should lead the way in animal welfare legislation and I am delighted by the measures which have been unveiled by the Environment Secretary.

"A great deal of misinformation and misunderstanding surrounded the recent vote in Parliament. I am happy the record has been put straight in this regard.

“Now there can be no further confusion, animal sentience is being enshrined in UK law and we are taking a tough stance on animal cruelty.”