Anti-fracking protesters' anger at frack tremor report from Liverpool University

Cuadrilla fracking site on Preston New RoadCuadrilla fracking site on Preston New Road
Cuadrilla fracking site on Preston New Road
Anti-fracking protesters have rubbished a Liverpool University report which says recent earth tremors caused by fracking are at the same level as dropping three pans or a bag of flour from a kitchen counter.

The study commissioned by the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy was aimed at allaying fears about the 36 small seismic events that have occurred since Cuadrilla started fracking last month at Preston New Road.

The 0.5ML (local measure) at which fracking must stop under the traffic light system, was compared with vibrations from traffic on a busy road or from a door slamming.

The last tremor was a 0.7ML event on November 4.

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Cuadrilla fracking site on Preston New RoadCuadrilla fracking site on Preston New Road
Cuadrilla fracking site on Preston New Road

A Cuadrilla spokesman said the report was interesting reading and helps put the low-level threshold of the traffic light system into context.

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A Frack Free Lancashire spokesman said: “It is very interesting to see how these academics have passed their time, but having studied their findings we can’t see where they look at the potential impact of seismic events on the well bore underground.

“We need a proper informed debate on the critical issues at stake, and not taxpayer-funded pseudo-science.”

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