Another 'good' mark from Ofsted for Norbreck County Primary

Norbreck Primary Academy headteacher Karen McCarterNorbreck Primary Academy headteacher Karen McCarter
Norbreck Primary Academy headteacher Karen McCarter
A Blackpool school has retained its 'good' status after a visit by Ofsted.

Inspectors said in their report that staff and pupils at Norbeck Primary Academy live up to the school motto, ‘Whatever we do, we do it well’ - in the way staff and pupils interact with each other in class and also how pupils take up every chance to lead and help each other throughout the day.

Leaders at the school were praised for developing "a rich and well-planned curriculum", while the report added: "They ensure pupils are well-rounded individuals who are not afraid of taking chances to shine.

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"Teachers help pupils to keep trying when they find their work hard through the school’s ‘steps to resilience’ programme."

The inspectors said they found pupils at the school to be "modest and considerate" and proud of their achievements, being keen to celebrate their best work, whether displayed on walls or in their workbooks.

"Experienced leaders in English, mathematics and science are clear about what pupils need to know and be able to do," added the report.

"Pupils love coming to school. They said that they enjoy learning most when they have the chance to find things out for themselves and enjoy the wide range of exciting activities staff provide for them

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"Staff expect pupils to do their best at all times and the pupils happily follow the clear expectation for the ‘Norbreck Standard’ of behaviour and are keen to earn the many rewards on offer for pupils who make the right choices.

"Parents and carers and pupils agree that bullying is rare because staff sort out problems quickly. "

The recent inspection at the school in Norbreck Road was the first since November 2014 and headteacher Karen McCarter said: "We had the most positive of experiences throughout and were validated with a wonderful report.

"Norbreck remains very firmly good in every sense and all of our parents are delighted with the school too."